Latest Posts
5 months as a new developer
Almost five months into my first developer job after graduating this May, I present you my five nuggets of wisdom.
Selecting the right NoSQL Database
Challenges with traditional databases and selecting the right NoSQL solution.
HTTP Cookies
In this post, we will go over HTTP cookies, their function and various types.
Vanilla JS // Slice vs Splice
In this post, we will discuss the most common rookie mistake in JavaScript — difference between slice() and splice().
Filters in AngularJS
Filters provide an easy way to format the view. In this post, we will explore in-built and custom filters in AngularJS.
Vanilla JS // Var vs Let vs Const
In this post, we will discuss the two new ways to declare a variable — Let and Const as introduced in ES6.
Scaffolding a web app with Yeoman
In this brief tutorial, we will learn why and how to use Yeoman to build our next application.
Vanilla JS // Closures
In the Vanilla JS series, we will go through the basic and not-so-basic concepts in plain old JavaScript, starting with Closures.
Getting started with D3.js
An introduction to data visualization with the mighty D3.js.
My Front-End Dev setup
The editor, tools and plugins I use to amp up my dev environment.
Unboxing REST APIs
What do the terms API and REST mean and why they are so important.
Setting up a Jekyll blog
In this quick and easy guide, we will setup a blog using Jekyll and host it on GitHub!